Wednesday, October 6, 2010


We arrived in Denpasar, Bali on January 18th and stayed in Kuta for a couple of days, walking around in the labyrinth of sidewalks between high walls. To get from our hotel to the beach anywhere else you had to go right, then right, then right, then right, then left or you could go straight, then left, then right, then left, then left, then right again all through a high-walled maze past Hindu temples and statues with people cruising past on motorbikes with surfboards. We took surf lessons one afternoon. With our surfing guru pushing our boards to help us catch the wave, I was actually able to stand up three times. I however have not yet caught a wave by paddling myself fast enough. Everyone we've met asks how long we've been in Indonesia and when I tell them this is my first time here, they ask why I can already speak bahasa Indonesia so well. Sweet! The language study is really paying off. Click here to see images from this trip.

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